Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Oh my! Was that a bridge?

Kare 11 Photo

I've driven over that bridge! Oh, SCARY! I pray that no more are found dead! And I also pray for all the families of the four that have died. What a freak accident!

Kare11 News Story


kim said...

Oh my word...I've been in my work bubble for the last couple of days and didn't even know about it until a few minutes ago when my dad called and asked me if that was the bridge we'd driven over by North That is so crazy! And I was thinking the same thing as you when I heard, "I've driven over that bridge!"

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about all you guys that went to school out there. I cannot even imagine the thought about how many times you drove over that bridge.

redheadrev said...

Everytime I went to the grocery store or Target (Targét for us North Centralites) I had to cross that bridge. I really pray for all those families who have lost loved ones. It's sad. I had to drive across that huge bridge on I-75 by Saginaw yesterday and I was shaking because of this bridge collapse. My husband has a fear of bridges, I don't generally. Makes you think twice, though.
< shudder >